About Us

Sri Lanka CERT is the National Centre for Cyber Security, which has the national responsibility of protecting the nation’s cyberspace from cyber threats.


To be the single and most trusted point of contact for Information Security in Sri Lanka.

To protect Information Technology users in Public and Private Sector Organizations and the General Public by providing up-to-date information on potential threats and vulnerabilities and by undertaking computer emergency response handling services.

To Act as the most authoritative national source for all ICT security related issues across the nation.

Link with other CERTS and CSIRTS around the world to share the knowledge and know-how relating to Information Security.


“To be Sri Lanka’s flagship organization and trusted source of advice on threats and vulnerabilities to Information Systems through proactive prevention and effective action.”

Our objective is to create a resilient and trusted cyber security ecosystem that will enable Sri Lankan citizens, businesses and, government to realize the benefit of digitalization

Mandate - Constitution - Authority


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Service Description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget nunc placerat turpis lacinia consectetur.
Fusce aliquet placerat lacus ac convallis. Nullam commodo arcu felis. 

Sri Lanka Computer Emergency Readiness Team | Coordination Centre

Copyright © 2023 SRI LANKA CERT | CC